Policy Type: Statement

Report: The Global Financial Crisis: A Plan for Regulatory Reform
by The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation | May 26, 2009 | Banking, Capital Markets, Financial Stability
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Wall Street Journal Op-ed: Banks Need Fewer Carrots and More Sticks
by The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation | May 6, 2009 | Banking, Financial Stability
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Continued erosion in competitiveness of U.S. public equity market was among the few clear trends during 2008 market chaos
by The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation | Mar 24, 2009
“Although the current financial crisis has distorted some traditional measures, there is little question that the competitive position of U.S. capital markets continues to deteriorate.”

Financial Times Op-ed: The US Treasury is a Public, Not a Private, Investor
by The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation | Mar 2, 2009 | Banking, Capital Markets, Financial Stability
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Survey Regarding the Use by Foreign Issuers of the Private Rule 144a Equity Market
by The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation | Feb 13, 2009
The Committee has completed a survey regarding the explosive growth in the use by foreign issuers of the private Rule 144A equity market in the Unites States.

Wall Street Journal Op-ed: From Awful to Merely Bad: Reviewing the Bank Rescue Options
by The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation | Feb 7, 2009 | Banking, Capital Markets, Financial Stability
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Continued erosion in U.S. public equity market competitiveness was among the few clear trends during Q3 markets chaos
by The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation | Nov 24, 2008
“Notwithstanding the extraordinary market conditions that skewed some usually reliable measures of competitiveness, significant further deterioration in U.S. public equity market competitiveness clearly stands out.”

Wall Street Journal Op-ed: Let’s Get the Bank Rescue Right
by The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation | Sep 24, 2008 | Banking, Capital Markets, Financial Stability
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Amid plunging IPO activity in 2008, CCMR finds that U.S. public equity market competitiveness continues its decline
by The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation | Sep 3, 2008
The Committee released its findings documenting the huge second quarter decline in IPO activity in the United States and foreign markets, a continuing reduction in the ability of U.S. markets to capture IPOs, and a failure by U.S. markets to list any of the largest IPOs in 2008.

Report on Competitiveness of the U.S. Derivatives Market
by The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation | Aug 12, 2008 | Capital Markets
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